How To Write a Cover Letter With ChatGPT (Prompt Included!)

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If you’re applying for jobs, I have great news — if you use ChatGPT for your cover letter, you never need to write another cover letter again.

In this post, I’ll be sharing exactly how to use ChatGPT to generate the perfect cover letter for every job application.

Specifically, you’ll get an awesome ChatGPT cover letter prompt that works for any job, tactics to optimize your cover letter, and other AI tips and tricks that can help you with your job search.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Use This Proven ChatGPT Prompt to Generate An Awesome Cover Letter

This ChatGPT prompt has all of the best cover letter advice from job search leaders in the job baked into it. Take it from me; I got my latest job using this exact prompt.

Here’s what you’ll need to do to make the magic happen:

  1. Paste the prompt into ChatGPT.
  2. Copy and paste your resume where the prompt asks for it.
  3. Copy and paste the job description where the prompt asks for it.
  4. Go to the company’s About page and copy and paste their mission and company values. (Optional)

Once that’s done, sit back and let ChatGPT do the rest!

(Click the prompt to copy 📝)

You are an expert cover letter writer. Using the job description, resume information, and general information about the company pasted below, craft a compelling cover letter addressed to the specific hiring manager or department in a consistent structure and format.

Begin with a professional greeting, addressing the cover letter to a specific person or department. If you do not know the hiring manager’s name, you may use “Dear Hiring Manager” as a general salutation.

Start with a compelling opening sentence that showcases a notable achievement, a skill, or a trait of your personality, indicating why you’re writing and the position you are applying for.

In the first paragraph, express why you are an excellent match for this role and the company. Highlight your enthusiasm for the company’s mission and how your values align with theirs.

In the second paragraph, select 2-3 specific examples from your skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate for the position. Emphasize those that match the job requirements most closely. Whenever possible, include metrics or specific examples to demonstrate the impact and value you’ve delivered in past roles.

In the final paragraph, reiterate your interest and fit for the role and company. Mention any additional details that bolster your candidacy. Conclude with a clear and persuasive call to action, inviting the hiring manager to contact you or take a look at your resume.

Wrap up your cover letter with a statement showing gratitude to the hiring manager for their time and consideration. End with a professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by your name.

Before submitting, ensure you’ve proofread the letter for any errors, typos, or inconsistencies in format.

Copy and paste your name here:

Copy and paste the job description here:

Copy and paste or summarize your most relevant resume details here:

Copy and paste information about the company and their values and mission here:

Here’s an example output:

Tips For Improving The Cover Letter

ChatGPT is useful, but it isn’t perfect. Use these tips to improve the output of the cover letter prompt.

  • Use GPT-4. The writing will be better and it has more tokens to ensure ChatGPT can read your full resume, the job description, your prompt, and still output a full cover letter. It’s worth the $20 for ChatGPT Plus if it helps you get a job.
  • Spend time researching the company beforehand. If you have ChatGPT Plus, use the SummarizeAnything plugin to scan the company’s about page and quickly output their mission and core values.
  • Put effort into your resume. The more information ChatGPT has about you, the more sophisticated your cover letter will be.

Step 2: Refine the Cover Letter

Read through the cover letter and make sure you’re happy with it.

ChatGPT is useful, but you shouldn’t use what it spits out without at least reviewing it.

The last thing you want is the hiring manager thinking you generated the cover letter with AI.

Read it closely to ensure accuracy. ChatGPT still loves to make stuff up, so don’t let it make up some tiny detail that could cause issues during the interview.

If it sounds too AI-like, refine it by using some of the prompts I share in my article on how to make ChatGPT write like a human.

Step 3: Make It Look Nice

Once everything looks good, it’s time to transfer the generated text off of ChatGPT and onto a nicer format.

I recommend using a Canva template specifically designed for cover letters. All you need to do is duplicate the template and swap out the template text with your own information.

A good template will have a place to add your contact information, so make sure you fill that in after adding the cover letter.

31 Tips For Writing The Perfect Cover Letter

To give you the best chance of landing an interview, I’ll leave you with this curated list of tips from job application experts for crafting a terrific cover letter:

  1. Know your audience and tailor your cover letter to them.
  2. Be confident, but not arrogant.
  3. Show your personality and enthusiasm.
  4. Highlight your relevant skills and achievements.
  5. Use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your impact.
  6. Explain why you want to work for the company and what you can offer them.
  7. Address any potential concerns or gaps in your resume.
  8. Keep it concise and clear.
  9. Use a professional and consistent format.
  10. Proofread and edit your cover letter carefully.
  11. Customize your cover letter for each job application.
  12. Use keywords from the job description.
  13. Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs attention.
  14. End with a compelling closing statement that calls for action.
  15. Avoid common cover letter mistakes, such as using generic phrases, repeating your resume, or making typos.
  16. Use a cover letter builder or template to save time and ensure quality.
  17. Include a referral or recommendation if you have one.
  18. Use a personal story or anecdote to show your passion and fit.
  19. Show how you can solve a problem or add value to the company.
  20. Research the company and the role before writing your cover letter.
  21. Address the hiring manager by name if possible, or use a generic salutation if not.
  22. Include a professional signature with your contact information.
  23. Send your cover letter as an attachment or in the body of an email, depending on the instructions.
  24. Follow up with the employer after sending your cover letter.
  25. Use social media to enhance your cover letter and showcase your online presence.
  26. Include a link to your portfolio or website if relevant.
  27. Use testimonials or quotes from previous employers or clients to highlight your credibility.
  28. Show some creativity and originality, but don’t go overboard or be inappropriate.
  29. Express your interest in an interview and thank the employer for their consideration.
  30. Use action verbs and power words to make your cover letter more dynamic and persuasive.
  31. Align your cover letter with the company’s culture and values.

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Steve Rajeckas
Hey! I'm Steve Rajeckas. I've been been an internet entrepreneur for over a decade, and I'm here to help you thrive in the new era of AI.